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Above Ground Podcast

be well, be safe, be ABOVE

Aug 17, 2022

Obituaries that read, 'died suddenly', often mean the individual written about died in a stigmatized and often shameful manor. Think suicide, or our topic this week, substance abuse and overdose death. This week's 518 guest, Sarah Lyn, discusses addiction, grief and loss, For the Love of Steven.

Our guest this week is Sarah Lyn. Sarah shares the story of Steven. Steven was the father of her daughter and two other grown children. Steven was a gifted and talented artist, father and friend. When Steven kicked Sarah in 7th grade, she knew he was special. Steven lived with ADHD, depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Steven died from a fentanyl overdose.

The CDCs National Center for Health Statistics indicates there were an estimated 100,306 overdose deaths here in the States as of April 2021. Steven's story is weaved into those numbers, but like every stat, there is a person and someone who loves them not seen in those digits. 

Kids pop pills these days. A false belief is that if it is in pill form and looks like medicine they see in their cabinets at home, its ok. Take Purdue Pharma. They knew this shit was addictive, but their business model was all about the bottom line. Addiction is a terrible disease, yet it's peddled to us everywhere. 

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more than morphine. It was developed for pain management of cancer patients and delivered via patch. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl is linked to the most recent rise in overdose deaths. A street drug with heroin like effects, it is often added to other drugs for its potency and addictive nature.

For the Love of Steven is a benefit concert on Wednesday, August 31st at Hangar on the Hudson in Troy, NY with doors at 6pm. Featuring live music by Curious Comet, RaisinHead, and Lizzie and the Makers.

A silent auction, a 50/50 raffle and community awareness brings us together for this time to remember and time to act. Above Ground Podcast will be there with resources for addiction and mental health. 

Thanks for listening to this episode. Please continue to share, review, friend, follow and buy coffees. We appreciate it. Until next week get well, be safe, stay Above...