May 27, 2020
This week's guest is Sandra Goldmeer. She is the Area Director of the Capital Region NY Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. In her short time here she is building a garden of hope.
You should never be afraid to be the first person to reach out, because chances are no one has. Connection is all about validating someone's journey and holding space for them. Don't be afraid to take the first step.
With this time of uncertainty and insecurity in the world there is no better time to #SeizeTheAwkward and catch someone off guard by starting the #RealConvo
Talk Saves Lives, so don't let this time of isolation change that. No mask is a deterrent for checking in on a family member or friend. AFSP offers trainings and in you can sign up for some
including tomorrow, Thursday May 28th 530-630p
Monday June 2nd, 900-1000am
Friday June 12th 100-200pm
Register here AFSP Virtual Trainings