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Above Ground Podcast

be well, be safe, be ABOVE

Jul 5, 2023

John Joseph is the definition of never giving up. John grew up in some of the most abusive environments a human can withstand. John nearly lost his human form on more than one occasion. John slung dope and shot dope. He was an addict and a criminal. Then finding himself begging for a way to stay above. John found service to be his path. 


Welcome to episode two hundred twelve of Above Ground Podcast. This week we are joined by John Joseph. John is a vegan triathlete, author, and  singer in his namesake band,  Bloodclot (Upstate Records). John wrote the help yourself classic, The PMA Effect; how a positive mental attitude can make you the badass you were born to be. This week we discuss substance abuse, real life on the streets and just who you need to become for a life of survival of the fittest. This is dedicated to the memories of Kevin McQuaid and Frank McGowan. 


From John’s earliest days the deck was stacked against him. Having gone from an abusive home where his prize fighter dad would use his mom for a punching bag. Then through the horrendous foster system where  his childhood was nearly erased from existence. Rather taking his chances, John, eventually ran away and claimed Alphabet City as his playground and training ground.  


John found a spiritual path out of the pain and torment he was in. Finding the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.  John learned that freedom comes in the form of service.  Begging for help on the steps of the Krishna Temple, was the opening of the light. 


John Joseph says knowledge without application is useless. Don’t just read his books. Use them. Use them to find your own path. Knowledge can take us from hell to heaven in a minute.  Get a camp together and don’t be surprised by the ones who leave. Be surprised by the ones who stay. Stay humble and more tolerant than a tree and don’t let your ego get in the way of your life. 


John is currently the singer for Upstate Records recording artist Bloodclot. Thank you to Mario Cangemi for connecting us with John.  Check out John at these links: