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Above Ground Podcast

be well, be safe, be ABOVE

Dec 23, 2020

People don't see the fight when someone dies by suicide, they only see the ending. Depression is the voice that says you're not good enough. Anxiety is the voice that says everyone else can see it too. Suicide is sometimes the question mark on that conversation.

Dan Egan is the Board Chair for AFSP Capital Region NY. He lost his dad to suicide when he was 19 years old. Surreal milestones mark the road of healing. His commitment to sharing his story with others lead him to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. AFSP helped him to make sense of his loss and he helps others heal from theirs.

Men especially have a hard time talking about emotional pain. So many lack the language to convey what they are feeling. Men like Dan, Tim and Will want to normalize the conversation surrounding suicide and mental health.

If you are a suicide loss survivor and would like the opportunity to speak with a volunteer, Healing Conversations, is here for you. Just take the first step and contact AFSP to schedule a conversation.

From the Above Ground Podcast family to yours, a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holidays! Be well, be safe, be Above.