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Above Ground Podcast

be well, be safe, be ABOVE

Dec 29, 2021

Why do you value your failures over your successes? What's your end game? These are questions that lead us to record this episode. Life is built on the QUESTions you are willing to ask, receive the answers and take part in the process.

This week's conversation surrounded a couple questions that had come up in recent...

Dec 22, 2021

Retired racehorses can find new purpose and meaning as an equine assisted therapy horse. Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga supports these horses with rescuing and retraining. Providing them a peaceful, safe and meaningful life. Laura LaRue shares her experience with us this week. 

Laura’s love for horses began at a very...

Dec 15, 2021

The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again is a dirty process called healing. We all have something that has hurt us that we need to heal from. It is often a painful and arduous task to excavate the wrecks of our human experience. Remember Everybody Hurts ,everybody cries. But hold on. 

Healing can often...

Dec 8, 2021

In 2018 Robbie Eckert died by suicide at the age of fifteen. In the pain and anger of losing their son, Jason and Kari Eckert found a new mission. To speak to teens and learn what they missed, what teens need from us and to allow them to guide us.  Robbie’s Hope was born to empower teens to hold on pain ends.  


Dec 1, 2021

Borderline Personality Disorder is a very convoluted diagnosis that confounds professionals and laypeople alike. This a conundrum of mood disorders. Every lens you view your world through is effected. Battling the mind and the blue screen of death. 

The traits mimic other disorders and conditions. ADHD, depression, OCD,...